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Addition Strategies

1st graders need to be able to add & subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition & subtraction within 10.


Here are the following addition strategies we use and teach in sequence:


* Adding Zero

* Counting On

* One More (+1) 

* Two More (One More strategy + One More strategy)

* Doubles Facts

* Friends of 10

* Doubles +1 (3+2= Double 2 + 1)

* Meet in the Middle  (8+6= Double 7, 4+6= Double 5)

Subtraction Strategies

Here are some resources to help your students learn to subtract. This is the progression of strategies that we use, but obviously there may be a different way you tackle this operation. Find a resource that works for you and your kiddos!


> Subtracting Zero

> Crossing Out / Taking Away

> Counting Back (-1, -2)

> Counting Up (if the two numbers being subtracted are close (neighbors), then start from the smaller one and count up)

< Think Addition (inverse property)

*Doubles Facts

*Friends of ten

Numbers & Operation in Base Ten

In first grade students are expected to learn the value of numbers. They need to be able read and represent numbers to at least 120. They need to recognize that a two digit number consists of tens and ones. 


Once students become familiar with the previous, they will need to be able to compare two two-digit numbers using their tens and ones values. 


Students will need to mentally be able to find 10 more or 10 less than a given two-digit number. 


By the end of the school year they need to add within 100 using a two-digit number with a one digit number. Sometimes students will have to compose a ten depending on the number of ones. 


With concern to subtraction, students will need to be able to subtract multiples of 10 within 100 as well.

Early Vocabulary & Language


Early elementary grades a crucial for helping students enhance their vocabulary. The apps in this collection provide practice for better understanding of the English vocabulary/language.

Phonics Awareness

Whether you are studying letter to sound correspondence, vowels, blends, digraphs, hunks and chunks, word families, or double vowels there may be a resource waiting here to help you.

Digital, Daily Calendar Routine

Primary teachers & students typically have a daily calendar routine. As the year progresses, so does our calendar. In recent years I have added a little flair to my routine. Some days we do digital calendar and the students love it. Calendar time goes beyond just the calendar however. Below is a list items that occur in our classroom that you may incorporate into yours:


- today, yesterday, tomorrow, 

- birthdays, 

- odd or even numbers, 

- repeating and growing patterns, 

- renaming a number (representing a number of the day multiple ways), 

- number story

- fact families,

- weather identification along with graphing the data,

- shape of the day w/ identification of attributes,

- place value w/ the number of day of school, 

- number grid challenge using the 120s grid to identify the mystery number(s),

- telling time to the hour and half hour

Beginning of the Year Number Sense

At the beginning of the year we are trying to figure out where all our students are as they enter into our rooms.  Not only do we want to make sure students can count, but we like to determine how much number sense they have. Hopefully these apps will meet you where you are at the moment.

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This page's purpose is to provide families, parents, and other educators extensions to your child's learning while away from school.  These are some links, videos, and even apps that I use or would recommed using to help your child practice certain skills in that specific area.  Participate Learning is a great site for educators to share and create wonderful collections of resources.  Each one of the buttons below will take you to a collection that I have made from Participate Learning.  Think of it as a Pinterest with only educational material.  Enjoy!

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